Our most recent OFSTED inspection was in July 2023, where we were judged as ‘Good’.
OFSTED inspects schools to provide information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account for the public money they receive. OFSTED provide an independent assessment of the quality and standards of education in schools, and check whether pupils are achieving as well as they can.
More Information
Read to below to find out more about OFSTED and Parent View.

What is OFSTED?
Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children’s social care. They inspect and regulate thousands of organisations and individuals providing education, training and care – from childminders to training providers, schools to local authorities.

Parent View
Parent View is a fantastic tool for parents to provide feedback to OFSTED about school. Just use the link at the top of the page to register, and then provide your thoughts. Remember, you can always talk to someone at school too!

Find Out More
To find out more about OFSTED, the work they do, and a report for any school, provider or individual in England, use the link at the top of the page.
Follow the link below for a summary of outcome in the KS1 and 2 statutory assessments and phonics screening.
“The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.”
To find us on the DFE school performance tables please Click Here
Key Stage 2 – Attainment 2023 |
Performance Measure |
School |
National |
School vs National |
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check |
18.3 |
20.4 |
-2.1 |
Expected Standard in R, W & M Combined |
72% |
59% |
+13% |
Expected Standard in Reading |
77% |
73% |
+4% |
Expected Standard in Writing |
84% |
71% |
+13% |
Expected Standard in Maths |
84% |
73% |
+11% |
Expected Standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling |
71% |
72% |
-1% |
Greater Depth/High Score in R, W & M Combined |
8% |
8% |
= |
Greater Depth in Reading |
26% |
29% |
-3% |
Greater Depth in Writing |
23% |
13% |
+10% |
Greater Depth in Maths |
31% |
24% |
+7% |
Greater Depth in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling |
31% |
30% |
+1% |
Average Scaled Score in Reading |
104.5 |
105.1 |
-0.6 |
Average Scaled Score in Writing (GPS) |
104.3 |
104.9 |
-0.6 |
Average Scaled Score in Maths |
105.5 |
104.2 |
+1.3 |
Key Stage 2 – Progress |
Performance Measure |
School |
Progress in Reading |
-2.29 |
Progress in Writing |
+1.4 |
Progress in Maths |
-0.22 |