A proud member of

Pupil Leadership Team

Our role is to act as link between the children, the Senior Leadership Team and the Governors of NJA.

To become a member of the Pupil Leadership Team, Year 6 children are invited to apply for these roles by writing a letter of application. Following this submission, pupils are formally interviewed by our Senior Leaders and then appointments are made.

As members of the Pupil Leadership Team, we have a special role in making sure that the children in our school have a voice and opportunities to evaluate and develop Normanton Juniors, so that it continues to grow into the best school ever! Each member of the Pupil Leadership Team is elected through a democratic process, providing children with individual liberty to empower choices around their education.



Summer 2021 – Our prefects have created an end of year newsletter on Microsoft Sway – take a look – https://sway.office.com/q3Tor3jfijFl9kwz?ref=Link

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