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Unfortunately, we currently have no vacancies.

Please come back soon!


All application forms and job descriptions can be found on our Trust website – https://watertonacademytrust.org/recruitment

Privacy Notice for Job Applicants



Waterton Academy Trust is wholly committed to ensuring children and young people are fully supported and safe. We are dedicated to the safeguarding of all children and young people whilst promoting their welfare and expect all staff and volunteers to share this responsibility. The Trust has policies and procedures relating to safeguarding and child protection available on request.
Waterton Academy Trust follows safer recruitment processes which all applicants will be subject to. This includes the interview process containing questions about the safeguarding of children and the disclosure of criminal records and other vetting checks.
An enhanced DBS check is required for the successful candidates, this process is completed by an online third-party company.
Any position is also subject to two satisfactory references. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide details of any unspent convictions and those that would not be filtered, prior to the date of the interview.
We are committed to treating all applicants fairly and have a policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders which is available to applicants on request.
Waterton Academy Trust is wholly committed in ensuring that all employees, future employees and applicants are treated equally regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.


For Initial Teacher Training Information, please visit

Waterton Academy Trust for more details.

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