At Normanton Junior Academy, we provide a full wraparound offer from 7:30am – 6pm.
All details can be found below.
More Information
See below for more information about our after-school and breakfast clubs.

Timings and Cost
Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am to 8:50am. In order for your child to have breakfast, please ensure they arrive before 8:30am. Breakfast Club costs £2.50 per day; however, if your child qualifies for income-based Free School Meals then this service is FREE.

Our clubs are completely inclusive and open to everyone. If you think your child may need additional support or adaptations to fully enjoy a club, just let us know!

We are always looking for ways to further improve our offer, so if you have any links or think there is something else we could run, please let us know. For example, it was fed back that our community wanted more clubs for FS2, so in the summer term we opened up more clubs to our youngest children!
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs in our Community Room. Children are to use the Y5/Y6 entrance doors, next to the Upper Playground, to enter Breakfast Club, where they will be met by a member of staff to sign them in.
The cost of Breakfast club is £3.00 per session, which includes a range of cereals, toast, pancakes etc. You can book this via the MCAS app and should be done before 3pm, the day before.
Benefits of Breakfast Club – There are so many benefits to bringing your child to Breakfast Club:
- Research shows that a good breakfast can help your child concentrate and focus in class
- Children have the opportunity to socialise in a relaxed environment
- Research shows that physical activity can have an impact on concentration
- Children can be dropped off from 7:30am, making it easier to get to work or be more flexible with hours
- There is always a range of healthy choices available every day
Cool Kids After School Club
Sessions are available as follows:
- Session one (Includes a snack) – 3.00pm – 4.30pm: £5.50
- Session two (Includes dinner and dessert) – 3.00pm – 5.30pm: £9.00
- Session three (Includes dinner and dessert) – 3.00pm – 6pm: £10.00
Please also note that parents will be charged the next session rate if their child isn’t collected within the session time they have been booked onto.
For any children that are collected after 6pm, there will be a £5 late fee charged.
Benefits of After-School Clubs – After-school clubs have a number of benefits to both children and parents:
- Children develop confidence, social skills and communication
- Children can form relationships with new staff members in school
- Children can learn a new skills or even find a new hobby
- Parents have the peace-of-mind that their child is being cared for, and for free or a minimal price
- Gives more flexibility to working parents or parents with other commitments
Key Reminders:
- All clubs MUST be booked and paid for in advance, using the MCAS app. Sessions must be paid for at the time of booking (unless you pay via childcare vouchers). Children will not be allowed to attend if your account falls into arrears and you will be contacted to collect your child.
- Sessions cannot be booked for the same day. To allow us to be prepared with staffing, registers and food, all sessions must be booked the day before.
- We understand that sometimes emergencies crop up and you may need after-school club at short notice. In this instance, please contact the school office on 01924 967613 to explain and the office can book this in with the club staff.