A proud member of

Sports Premium

Following the London 2012 Olympics, the Government created a Sports Premium Grant to help maintain the legacy of the games and so to help improve the health and well-being of children nationally.


Schools are able to determine how this money is spent and are accountable for the impact of the expenditure. Having researched how best to spend this money, to ensure it has a long-lasting impact, we have decided to partner with Wakefield Trinity Community Foundation and therefore invest in the ongoing professional development of teachers at our school so they are best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport for years to come.




Our plans, to the right, also show how else we intend to spend this premium using the DFE five indicators.


At Normanton Junior Academy, allocation of the Sports Premium is carried out through a wide range of initiatives, projects and strategies.


Provision is typically made through:

  • All teachers and support staff having access to high quality CPD for increased skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence in a wide range of sports, throughout the academic year.
  • Investment in providing an engaging and exciting curriculum.
  • An extended curriculum of extra-curricular activities to develop pupil engagement, knowledge and understanding of sport whilst increasing competitive sport within the school.
  • A developed wider curriculum which includes the active promotion of a healthy, active lifestyle, incorporating physical, mental and nutritional understanding.

Our PE Subject Leaders are Mr Clune and Miss Wood

Our PE Link Governor is Mrs Riddell

Our PE Specialist from Wakefield Trinity is Mr Guest


For more information about how we spend the Sports Premium, please see the Sports Premium plans to the right.


For more details about our PE Curriculum, please click here.

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